Saturday, December 7, 2013

EDLE 5335 Professional Development Activity

Session Purpose:   Learner Centered Staff Development – Based on the data collected from the AEIS 2010-2011, the math scores in 4th and 5th grade dropped significantly compared to other areas. 

Learning Objective to Be Addressed: The purpose of this session will be to help teachers identify the areas in math that students are struggling in and develop a new way to teach these concepts.  (Marilyn Burns conceptual math activites have been shown to help students weak in math, as well as all students.) 
Approving Principal:Renee Cummings
Presentation Date: N/A
Grade Level:
   4th and 5th
Lori Ramsey and Sherrie Berry (Elementary Curriculum Specialist)
TCE Library
Start Time: 3:30
End-Time: 4:15

Learner-Centered Activity
Estimated Time
Teachers will sign in, get snacks, and record the areas of math that they think students struggle with the most.
The opening activity will help teachers relax and focus on the material we will be looking at.
Teachers will enter the library, sign in and get a snack.  On each table there will be post-it notes for teachers to write the two skills or TEKS they think the students in each grade struggle with.
1.  Sign in
2. Get snacks
3.  Write on post it note and turn in to facilitator.
5 minutes
The facilitator will record the responses to the question asked using tally marks.  These responses will be compared to the data from Lean4ward and Eduphoria Aware.
By displaying the results, consensus will be built and we will narrow down the focus of the session.
Teachers will look at the responses and the math HOT Spots identified by the data our district uses and see if their projections lined up with the data.
1.  Discuss the TEKS identified by the teachers.

2.  Use data from Lean4ward and Eduphoria and compare this to teachers’ responses.
3.  Identify top two areas of concern for each grade.

10 minutes
Teachers will next reflect on the way they teach the identified concepts by writing down one or two activities they use to teach these concepts.
The teachers will reflect on their own strengths and weaknesses and the instructional practices they use in their classroom.
Teachers will write down 1 or 2 of the ways they teach these concepts whether, hands-on activities, direct teach…. and decide if these strategies are working by mentally rating their effectiveness from 1-5. 
1. Teachers write down identified TEKS and how they teach these.
2.  Share with the group any activity that they feel is effective.
3.  Presenter will record any activity the group feels is effective in teaching one of the HOT spots.

10 minutes
Teachers will use the manipulative on the table and brainstorm how these could be used to teach one of the HOT spots.
This activity will get all teachers involved in looking at math in a new way as work collaboratively.
Manipulative will be placed on the tables prior to beginning the workshop. Teacher will write down the steps and ways they could use the manipulative to teach concept.
1.  Presenters will draw teachers’ attention to the manipulative.
2.  Teachers work together to create activity.
3.  Presenters walk around as groups are working and listen for the ways the manipulatives were being used.
4.  Presenter sums up the activities in each group. 
10 minutes
Presenters will briefly share a couple of the ideas from Marilyn Burns’ research on teaching conceptual math. 
The purpose of this will be to show teachers reach based strategies that help struggling students in math.
Presenters will have two or three activities described in a power point presentation and show teachers a few activities they could use in class with the identified TEKS.
1.  Show power point and discuss each activity. (Presenter will spend no more than 1 minute on each activity described.)
2.  Have teachers discuss each activity at the table for 30 seconds to decide if it could work in their classroom.

3.  End session by asking the teachers to rate the session through Eduphoria Workshop.  (This program is used by our district to enroll in classes and rate each session.  Teachers are very familiar with this system.)

4.  Thank the teachers for coming and encourage them to continue to collaborate with each other as we work together to help our students in math.
10 minutes