Sunday, February 10, 2013

Updated Action Research Plan

Action Planning Template – Lori Ramsey
Goal:  To Incorporate Technology into the Elementary Classrooms in an Effective Way
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources

Research District Goals related to technology and observe the use of technology in classrooms.

Lori Ramsey

January 2013

District Website

Compare district goals to current practices in classrooms.

Determine which classes I will be observing and meet with teachers

Lori Ramsey
Renee’ Cummings, Teachers involved

January 2013-February 2013

List of fourth grade classrooms

Principal’s Approval

Create a chart to use to record technology use in the classroom.

Lori Ramsey

February 2013

Excel spreadsheet, list of available technology.

Determine when I will observe the classes and create a schedule.

Lori Ramsey,
Renee’ Cummings,

February 2013

Excel spreadsheet, list of technology available, schedule of the use of technology.

Principal’s approval of schedule
Collect data to include use of technology, as well as district benchmarks and STARR tests.

Lori Ramsey

February 2013- April 2014

Excel spreadsheet

Results or benchmarks and state tests.
Compare the data of the classroom that used technology and the ways it was used to the classroom that did not use technology.

Lori Ramsey

December 2013-May 2013 or when STAAR results are reported.

Benchmarks, STAAR, and other data collected

Data Results

Analyze results and establish growth trends of the students.

Lori Ramsey

December 2013-May 2013

Results of the Study

Results of comparison

Reflect upon findings and draw conclusions; discuss with principal and assistant principals.

Lori Ramsey, Principals

  May 2013

Data from study

Results of the study

Plan and implement a program with all classes using technology.

Lori Ramsey, Instructional technology and Curriculum team

Summer 2013-Aug 2013


Positive effects seen in the classrooms

Continue to observe technology use in the classrooms and look for new ways to increase effectiveness.

Lori Ramsey

August 2013 - May 2014…

Continuous research

Positive effects seen in the classrooms

Friday, February 8, 2013

Tool 8.1 CARE Model: Planning Tool

Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools Sandra Harris, Stacey Edmonson, Julie Combs

Tool 8.1 CARE Model: Planning Tool
Identify Concerns that must change (look to the future)

(Assign points to concerns from 1 to 3 in the order of the most important issues to consider.)
1.   Technology must be used in ways that increase student learning and academic performance.
2.   Students must learn to be producer when using technology and not just consumers of information.
3.  Technology must support the curriculum and be worked into the daily lesson naturally.

Identify Affirmations that must be sustained (look to the present)

(Assign points to affirmations from 1 to 3 in the order of the most important issues to consider.)
1.  Teachers must continue to grow in their knowledge of technology use in the classroom.
2.  Instructional Technology Department must continue to offer training to support teachers.
3.  Technology must continue to be used in all subject areas.

SMART Recommendations that must be implemented:
(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely)

(Assign points to recommendations from 1 to 3 in the order of the most important recommendations to implement.)
1.  Technology programs that require critical thinking skills will be implemented into the classrooms in an effort to increase student achievement.  Instructional technology coordinator will identify programs to use based on research of apps and websites.
2.  Students will use the technology programs to produce projects related to the subjects being studied.
3.  Technology will be used daily and incorporated into the curriculum. 

EVALUATE – Specifically and Often

(Identify the best ways to evaluate the implemented recommendations.)
1.  Data from the STAAR tests from last year and this year will be compared to determine student growth.
2.  Technology use in the classroom will be documented as to how often and what technology is being used.
3. The data from the STAAR tests and the technology used will be compared to determine the effectiveness of the technology in academic performance.


Wednesday, February 6, 2013

TCEA conference in Austin 2013

I cannot help but blog just a little about the TCEA conference I am attending.  This year has been amazing so far.  Yesterday was a day full of iPad training.  For those of you using iPads, I thought I'd share some new apps I learned about - most were free.

  • Knowmia, very much like Keynote, is a free app that is used as a presentation tool.  I was very excited to learn about this one.
  • Skitch 
  • Groovy Grader
  • Trading Cards
  • Nearpod
  • Stick Pick - (this app is $2.99)   This app allows you to enter students' names and the level of Blooms that the child is on.... Then when you want to call on a child, it randomly selects a name and gives you a list of questions to ask that child that fall into that Bloom's category.  It was demonstrated in a workshop and looks amazing!  Really helps you target kids where they are...
  • Chicktionary
Also, check out the websites and  So much information and so little time to share.  Just thought I'd throw this out there.  I have so many training ideas for teachers, I cannot wait to get back and share.

I'll get to homework one of these days.  Hope you all have a great day!  Also, hope it is ok to use this as a true blog.  I mean my research is on technology - this should count:)  

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Action Research Week 3 - Part 3

  1.  Setting the Foundation
One of the districts goals is that “Teachers will increase integration of technology in the delivery of instruction and in student use of technology in learning activities.”  My job as instructional technology coordinator is to help achieve this goal.  I would like to know the best ways to incorporate technology into the classroom so that student achievement goes up.

  1.  Analyzing Data
The data I will be analyzing will be from student achievement or benchmark test given by the district, as well as the results of the STAAR test once they are received by the district.  I will be looking at data from both classrooms that use technology and classrooms that use almost none.  I will also be looking at the ways technology is being used in the classrooms.  I will also be looking at discipline records when technology is used and see if the use affects the number of disciplinary occurrences in any way.  This in turn will be compared to scores. 

  1.  Developing Deeper Understanding
I plan to visit the classrooms using technology and see what programs, apps, or activities they are using and record the observations of these classrooms.  I will also be observing whether or not the teacher uses technology in whole group or small group setting.   I will also be observing the amount of time devoted to the use of technology.  I will interview teachers to see which technology they feel is most helpful, and if some programs or devices work better for some students than for others.

  1.  Engage in Self Reflection
I will be using self-reflection by analyzing the strategies I have used to teach teachers to use technology. I will look at whether they have the skills they need to use the technology to push students to use it in a way that supports the TEKS they must teach.  Is the technology pushing kids to higher levels of achievement?  What more can I do to support the teacher in the classroom?  I will be looking at ways to train teachers better to use the technology effectively as I conduct this study. 

  1.  Programmatic Patterns
I will be visiting with my site supervisor and teachers to evaluate and look for programmatic patterns.  We will ask questions about the technology and student groups to ensure there are no biases and all student groups are represented in this study and that an effective use of technology is designed for all student groups. 

  1. Determining Direction
 The goal of this study is to determine effective uses of technology in the classroom.  It is important that teachers have input into what works in their classroom.  Therefore, the direction of the study will be determined in a collaborative way considering their classroom needs and the technology available.  The results of the benchmarks and other tests will help support these uses of technology or allow us to investigate other ways.

  1.  Taking Action for School Improvement
After I have analyzed the test data to see if the way we implemented the technology in the classroom was effective, I will share the results with my site supervisor, as well as other Instructional Technology Coordinators in the district.  I will share the effective methods with teachers in staff development workshops and work on the areas of technology that did not seem to support academic improvement.  I will continue to work one-on-one with teachers who need extra guidance in using the technology.

  1.  Sustain Improvement
Implementing technology into the classroom will be an ongoing learning process that will require constant tweaking.  I will continue to help teachers incorporate it effectively into their classrooms and provide training for teachers as technology changes.  I will continue to study the data our district receives and compare the data to the technology uses in an effort to always improve in this area and make education the best it can be for our students.